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Cookie policy This Elisa Eesti AS (hereinafter Elisa) cookie policy describes how Elisa uses cookies on its website What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are downloaded and stored on your device when you visit a website. Cookies are an important part of the functioning of our website, as they allow the website to remember user preferences (such as language settings and cookie selection) and past activities (such as logging in to self-service). What types and categories of cookies do we use? We use session and permanent cookies on the Elisa website. These are cookies that are used by us and/or third parties. Session cookies We use session cookies every time the website is accessed. Session cookies connect your activities on our website and are only used during a browser session. A session starts when you open the Elisa website and ends when you close the site. All session cookies are deleted after the end of the session. Permanent cookies Permanent cookies save your preferences or activities. In comparison with session cookies, they have a longer working life. Each specific cookie is valid within a given deadline. Permanent cookies are not deleted when the browser is closed and are saved on your device. Permanent cookies are activated during every visit to the Elisa website that saved the specific cookies. Elisa uses three categories of cookies, depending on the purpose of the processing: Category Description Necessary cookies Necessary cookies are essential to ensure the basic functionality of the website, such as user authentication, secure session management and website navigation. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Necessary cookies include login cookies and security cookies. Statistics cookies Statistics cookies are necessary to collect information about how visitors use our website in order to improve the performance of the website based on the data received. The main purposes of these cookies are:
Visitor counting: statistics cookies allow us to keep track of how many people visit our website and get an overview of when visits occur.
Tracking the use of pages: these cookies help us track which pages are most popular and how visitors navigate our website.
Analysis of user behaviour: statistics cookies allow us to understand how visitors behave on our website, for example, which links they click on and how long they stay on one page. If you refuse these cookies, your website visit will not be included in our statistics. Statistics cookies provide us with information that helps us improve the customer experience.
Marketing cookies Marketing cookies are designed to collect information about the behaviour of users on our website and elsewhere on the internet. The main purposes of these cookies are:
Personalised ads:: marketing cookies allow us to tailor ads to user interests and preferences, thereby providing content that is relevant to users.
Performance tracking: marketing cookies help us track how successful our advertising campaigns are by showing how many users actually perform the desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling in forms.
Analysis of user behaviour: marketing cookies allow us to understand how users use the website, which pages they are most interested in and how long they spend online. This helps us to better adapt the website and provide content that meets users’ expectations.
Retargeting: Marketing cookies allow us to display relevant ads to visitors as they browse other websites or social media platforms. These cookies help remind visitors of products or services they have shown interest in.
Third party cookies Third party cookies on our website are subject to the third party cookie privacy policy. You can manage third party cookie consents on the third party’s website. Third-party service providers at Microsoft
These third-party services are not under Elisa's control. Service providers may change their terms of use, the purpose and use of cookies, etc. at any time. Consent to cookies For some cookies that we use for statistical and marketing purposes, we will ask for your consent. These cookies are used to improve the performance of our website and to provide personalised information about our products and services. If you want to consent to the use of all cookies, click on the ‘Allow all’ button. If you want to choose which category of cookies you want to accept, click on ‘Manage cookies’. If you want to allow only the necessary cookies, click on ‘Allow only necessary’. You can change your cookie settings from the pop-up window when you visit the website or from the ‘Cookie settings’ tab at the bottom of the website. Elisa retains information about your cookie selection for one year. Note: By accepting a category, you agree to all cookies in that category (see the list of cookies at the end of the page). Elisa may update and modify the use of cookies to improve the quality of its services. Therefore, the list of cookies may change accordingly. Please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of the website and no longer show you personalised content. Managing and deleting cookies in your browser If you wish, you can change your browser settings or delete cookies. Changing the cookie settings affects all of the websites you visit. Instructions on how to manage cookies in various browsers can be found here: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Apple Safari Internet Explorer The cookie policy will enter into force on 15 November 2023. Elisa reserves the right to unilaterally change its cookie policy at any time. All changes will be published and the latest version will be available on Elisa’s website. Cookie list Necessary cookies Name Service provider Purpose Expiration date web_language Elisa This cookie remembers the visitor’s language preference Session MINUELISA_SSO Elisa This cookie allows you to keep your login status during a session Session io Elisa This cookie is necessary for the chat window to work. The cookie ensures the user's connection to the same server that maintains the current state of the ongoing chat. Session elisa_smooch Elisa This cookie will find previous chats in the chat window of the website 30 days elisa_smooch_button Elisa This cookie will find previous chats in the chat window of self-service 1 day CAS_JSESSIONID Elisa This cookie ensures that the user does not have to log in again when moving between Elisa’s self-service environments (so-called single sign-on or SSO). This cookie does not store the visitor’s data, only the hash generated Session elisa Elisa This cookie ensures that the user does not have to log in again when moving between Elisa’s self-service environments (so-called single sign-on or SSO). This cookie does not store the visitor’s data, only the hash generated Session nps_* Elisa This cookie checks when the user last responded to a feedback survey 30 days JSESSIONID Elisa This cookie ensures that the user does not have to log in again when moving between Elisa’s self-service environments (so-called single sign-on or SSO). This cookie does not store the visitor’s data, only the hash generated Session cookie-accepted-version Elisa This cookie remembers which version of the cookie notification the user has given consent to 360 days cookie-categories Elisa This cookie remembers the website visitor’s cookie preferences 360 days ekak Elisa This cookie remembers whether the website visitor last visited the private or business customer side of the website in order to display relevant content 2 months ekak_redirected Elisa This cookie checks the value of the ekak cookie, after which the customer is redirected to the private or business side, if necessary Session _GRECAPTCHA Google This cookie protects Elisa’s website from spam and abuse. It launches the CAPTCHA test that distinguishes humans from robots 6 months Statistics cookies Name Service provider Purpose Expiration date customerResearch Elisa This is the cookie for displaying the customer survey pop-up. The cookie remembers if the visitor has closed the pop-up or participated in the survey within two months 2 months _eid Elisa This cookie is used to identify a unique visitor 365 days _ga Google This cookie registers a unique identifier that is used to generate statistical data about how a visitor uses the website 2 years _ga_* Google This cookie registers a unique identifier that is used to generate statistical data about how a visitor uses the website 2 years _gat_* Google Google Analytics uses this cookie to limit the number of requests 1 minute _gac_UA-* Google Google Analytics uses this cookie to store and count page views 1 minute _gid Google This Google Analytics cookie registers a unique identifier, which is used to record and count visits to the site 1 day __utmc Google This is a Google Analytics cookie that records the exact time a website visitor exits the site Session __utmb Google This is a Google Analytics cookie that records the exact time a website visitor enters the site 30 minutes __utma Google The metrics associated with this Google Analytics cookie include: first visit (unique visit), last visit (repeat visit), number of visits. 2 years __utmz Google This cookie keeps track of where the visitor came from, which search engine they used, which link they clicked on, which keyword they used and where they were when they visited the website 6 months __utmt Google See Google Analytics´i küpsis salvestab teenusepäringute arvu 10 minutes __utmv Google This Google Analytics cookie records the number of service requests 2 years c.gif Microsoft This Microsoft Clarity cookie collects data about the navigation and behaviour of the website visitor on the website. It is used for statistical reports and heatmaps as well as for features such as ‘rage clicks’ and ‘dead clicks’, which make it easier to analyse problems that frustrate users Session _clck Microsoft This Microsoft Clarity cookie stores the user ID and assigns the unique preferences of the website to the same user ID 1 day _clsk Microsoft This Microsoft Clarity cookie stores the user ID and assigns the unique preferences of the website to the same user ID 1 day CLID Microsoft This Microsoft Clarity cookie detects the first time a visitor sees a website. Clarity is a behavioural analytics tool that turns website visitor data into visual insights and shows which parts of the website are the most engaging. It offers dashboards, heatmaps, session replays and features such as ‘rage clicks’ and ‘dead clicks’ to make it easier to analyse problems that frustrate users 1 year SM Microsoft Microsoft Clarity uses this cookie to synchronise the MUID on Microsoft domains Session SRM_B Microsoft This cookie identifies the unique browsers that visitors use to access Microsoft websites. These cookies are used for advertising, site analysis and other operational purposes. Session Marketing cookies Name Service provider Purpose Expiration date ar_debug Google This cookie tracks the visitor’s activity on the website, collects information about the user’s device and helps Elisa to better understand how our website is used 1 month _gcl_au Google Google AdSense uses this cookie to test the effectiveness of advertising on websites using their services 3 months _gcl_aw Google Google AdSense uses this cookie to display or retarget ads 3 months _fbp Meta Facebook uses this cookie to deliver advertising products, such as real-time offers from third party advertisers 3 months uid AdForm This cookie stores the unique identifier of the website visitor 2 months C AdForm This cookie detects whether the visitor’s browser accepts cookies 30 days TPC AdForm This cookie detects whether the visitor’s browser accepts third party cookies 14 days MUID Microsoft The Microsoft Clarity analytics service uses this cookie as a unique identifier. The purpose of this cookie is to synchronise the visitor’s ID between several Microsoft domains to allow them to analyse visitor behaviour. 1 year MR Microsoft This Microsoft Clarity cookie detects if a MUID cookie needs to be updated 7 days ANONCHK Microsoft Microsoft uses this cookie to store the ID of the user session. This cookie ensures that clicks on Bing search engine ads are verified and used for reporting and personalisation purposes. 1 day rdt_uuid Reddit This cookie identifies users who have seen Elisa ads on Reddit 90 days
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