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I haven’t paid my invoice. When are you going to suspend the provision of outgoing services?
I have paid my invoice. Why are my services still suspended?
Elisa's bank account details
VAT Amendement
I haven’t paid my invoice. When are you going to suspend the provision of outgoing services? Põhisisu algus

The payment deadline for your Elisa invoice is the 18th of each month. If the invoice has not been paid by that date, we will send you a text message that will contain an additional deadline for payment of the invoice.

NOTE. If you have an overdue invoice, a late interest of 0.07% of the overdue amount for each delayed day will be added to your next month’s invoice. We will start charging the late interest after 7 days have passed since your payment deadline.

If the use of your phone number is suspended due to debt and thereafter re-opened after payment of the invoice, the next invoice will have an account restoration fee of 4 euros added.

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